Announcing New Partnership Between 211 and 988!

New partnership with PA 211 and Chester County Creates integration of 211 and 988 Services via the Chester County Human Needs Network.
PA 211 and Chester County have partnered to provide Chester County residents with a one stop shop for assistance with basic needs and mental health services.
The Human Needs Network will serve as a central hub, bringing together government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and community groups to address a wide range of issues, including housing, food insecurity, mental health, substance abuse, and employment assistance. By leveraging the expertise and resources of these partners, the network aims to streamline access to services and ensure no one falls through the cracks.
PA 211 services in Chester County will include a dedicated call center, online chat, and mobile app, allowing residents to quickly find and connect with relevant programs and services. The call center will also house the 988 and mobile mental health contact center. Both 988 and mobile mental health will be using the 211 Community OS system to “close the loop” with local agencies and hospitals, as well as on site resource assistance to individuals and families.
This PA 211, 988, and Mental Health Services partnership is the first of its kind in PA, allowing for seamless integration of services and referral pathways within the region. Since opening operations on April 14, the 211 Chester County Resource Navigators have assisted with 759 connections to local services.