UWP Virtual Annual Member Meeting: Looking Forward

Thursday, June 25, 2020 - Thursday, June 25, 2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

UWP would like to invite all our United Way members to join us for our Annual Membership Meeting and some inspiring educational workshops and speakers who will point us in the right direction as we move our PA Network into the new normal. Join us for:

9am-9:30am: UWP’s Membership Meeting featuring a State of the Network address by Kristen Rotz, President of United Way of PA

9:30am-10:30am: Hosting Engaging Virtual Events featuring Cherian Koshy and Eric Heininger from the Des Moines Fundraising Institute. Combined, they have 25 years of direct fundraising experience. This presentation will highlight creative ways to revision your campaign kickoff in a virtual world to maximize engagement with donors and volunteers. United Way has been using campaign kickoff to tell our story for years, taking it to the virtual level is just the next step in showing how adaptive, flexible, and responsive we can be to our communities and their changing needs.

10:30am-11:15am: Small Group Brainstorming Sessions facilitated by Des Moines Fundraising Institute which will focus on how United Ways can take the strategies and implement them on the local level. United Ways can also collaborate with each other on different strategies on a regional level.

11:15am-12:00pm: Seizing Opportunity for Change During a Crisis featuring Todd Kurz, business consultant and trainer, who will talk about how United Ways can position themselves to emerge stronger from the COVID-19 crisis by thinking strategically about change.

This meeting is free for United Way of Pennsylvania members and volunteers. Please register below.

Full participation in UWP’s 2020 Annual Meeting is applicable for 2.5 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

About our Speakers

Cherian Koshy and Eric Heininger, Des Moines Fundraising Institute

Cherian Koshy, CFRE and Eric Heininger, CFRE are the co-founders of the Des Moines Fundraising Institute based in Central Iowa. They noticed that people assume that if you can ask for money or sell something, you can be a fundraiser. And unlike the engineering or the finance sectors, there are few formal undergraduate and graduate-level programs on the topic.

The reality is that there is a considerable amount of philosophical, scientific, and experiential knowledge that needs to be obtained to become a competent, sustainable, and lucrative fundraiser. By offering a full 24 month curriculum, the Des Moines Fundraising Institute is filling the fundraising gap and elevating the next generation of fundraising professionals.

Cherian Koshy is a Certified Fundraising Executive and AFP Master Trainer with more than fifteen years of experience in a variety of non­profits where he has successfully helped organizations connect thousands of donors to causes they care about and raise tens of millions of dollars from foundations, governments, businesses, and individuals in the process. He serves as the Director of Development at Des Moines Performing Arts, one of the nation’s premier arts organizations. As a member of the advisory panel for Rogare: The Fundraising Think Tank at the University of Plymouth, he has written a number of articles and contributed to a number of papers on fundraising ethics, professional development, and philanthropy in the US. He has been appointed by the governor to Iowa’s Commission on Volunteer Service where he helps advance legislation to support volunteerism and engage Iowans in volunteer activity.  Nationally, he serves as a member of Association of Fundraising Professionals External Relations Committee as well as a regular presenter at the AFP International Conference and regional workshops on fundraising. Cherian was also one of the most successful debating coaches in the United States. His students won dozens of national and international championships. He is the author of one of the most widely used debating textbooks currently used and has taught thousands of students over the last twenty years.

Eric Heininger brings more than a decade of fundraising experience to Des Moines. He has worked in multiple sectors of the nonprofit community including religious, national and international social service, human rights, cultural, education, and health agencies. Eric has successfully conducted capital campaigns and feasibility studies across the country, managed large portfolios of grants at every level, created corporate sponsorship plans, implemented volunteer recruitment strategies, and coordinated individual major gift fundraising efforts. As the Managing Director of EDEN+ Fundraising he serves clients across the region while managing a team of experts across the nation. He was recognized as a member of the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy’s 40 Under 40 in 2019



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