United Way of Lawrence County Executive Director Gayle Young Wins Distinguished Leader Award
On Wednesday, May 15, United Way of Pennsylvania’s President Kristen Rotz, presented United Way of Lawrence County Executive Director Gayle Young with the inaugural Distinguished Leader Award. This award was created by member chief professional officers to recognize a peer for positive leadership, creativity and innovation, as well as dedication to the mission and vision of the Pennsylvania network of local United Ways.
Gayle currently serves on the UWP Board of Directors, and has served several terms over the span of her more than 30 year career with United Way. She proactively reaches out to support new local United Way directors in her region. She empowers her staff to participate in network leadership roles. She is a passionate advocate for ALICE and for her community, and has led United Way’s efforts to deliver equitable community impact by addressing the needs of diverse members of her community.
The nomination for Gayle stated: “Gayle has had a positive and forward-thinking influence for Lawrence County. Without Gayle’s leadership, those in need would not have the resources they currently have. With the significant increase in the Latino population in Lawrence County, Gayle has encouraged both government officials and non-profit agency directors to implement programs to ensure that this particular demographic is cared for and served in the same way as other residents of Lawrence County. Gayle has helped to make our UWP network stronger. Exemplary leadership, always willing to share her successes for us all to learn.”