The Pennsylvania Department of Health and United Way of Pennsylvania launched the Local Innovations in Vaccine Equity in Pennsylvania project (LIVE PA) to administer $4 million in mini-grants to local organizations and $630,000 for faith-based organizations aimed to reduce vaccine hesitancy and ensuring an equitable vaccine distribution throughout the commonwealth.

LIVE PA is a collaboration between the departments of Health and Human Services, working closely with United Way of Pennsylvania to fund hyper-local, grassroots nonprofit organizations to partner with certified vaccine providers to help the populations they serve overcome barriers to vaccination.
With a reimbursement rate of $10 per shot achieved and a matching rate of $10 per direct person-to-person outreach, the grants are designed initially to range from $400 to $40,000 per vaccination event, as well as up to $150 for provider charges. It also includes a requirement that the nonprofits and local United Way chapters involved promote the events using traditional and digital media to help fight vaccine hesitancy.
In an effort to better address the need of those who cannot access vaccine events for a variety of reasons, the grant is now covering the cost associated with vaccine administration and outreach to homebound populations. The grant will reimburse person to person outreach at $10, (one agent to one household), vaccine administration at $10 per vaccine, up to $150 per provider per hour, mileage reimbursement at 2024 IRS standard rate, and a flat $50 per itinerary to cover transportation supplies.
Grants funds will be available through June 2025 on a rolling basis. Grant activities must occur within 60 days of the grant invoice being submitted to United Way of Pennsylvania.
If your organization is interested in applying for the grant, please check out our information form. If you would like to talk to your local United Way before applying, please use our Find Your United Way tool to find your local United Way. Any questions can be directed to