This event has been approved by United Way Worldwide for flexible credit use. That means each U.S. attendee may receive flexible credits reimbursement from their flexible credit balance for up to $400 for registration, up to $500 for travel, and up to $600 for per diem (food/lodging).
To request reimbursement, please complete the following digital reimbursement form by May 28, 2023. Once this deadline has passed, no further reimbursement requests can be accepted. A processing fee of $35 will be applied to each flex credit submission.
Please note that it is the responsibility of each requester to obtain internal approval to use flexible credits. They may check with their supervisor or flexible credit manager before submitting any reimbursement requests. For more information, click to access account balance or view the Flexible Credit Policy. If you have a question at any time, please contact Ask United Way (United Way Online access required).