By selecting ALICE Council of Partners and/or Public Policy Initiatives, you are joining a coalition of dynamic partners who are changing our community through philanthropy. Both for-profit and non-profit local and statewide organizations whose purposes are consistent with United Way’s efforts to advance the common good and strengthen communities in the areas of health, education, and financial stability are invited to join UWP as an affiliate member.
The purpose of these memberships is to facilitate collaboration on strategies and community initiatives with a specific focus on the path to financial stability for ALICE families.

ALICE Council of Partner members will have the opportunity to:
- Learn about the local and statewide impact programs and emerging work created by and funded through United Way which are delivering results for the ALICE population
- Explore ways to partner, fund, and scale those efforts in other parts of the state through collaboration with local United Ways
- Be included in the Directory of ALICE Council of Partners which is highlighted and distributed during speaking engagements and education opportunities
- Participate in ALICE webinars which will focus on community initiatives & solutions
- Cobrand ALICE materials and products utilizing an approved localized image (example below)
- Subscribe to the UWP Update e-newsletter
ALICE Council of Partners
United Way of Pennsylvania is pleased to welcome for-profit and non-profit local and statewide organizations whose purposes are consistent with United Ways’s efforts to advance the common good and strengthen communities in the areas of health, education, and financial stability. The ALICE Council of Partners facilitates collaboration on advocacy strategies with a specific focus on the path to financial stability for ALICE families.
Council members:
- Help shape the ALICE policy agenda led by United Way of Pennsylvania and member United Ways
- Learn about local impact programs created by and funded through United Way which are delivering results for the ALICE population
- Explore ways to partner, fund, and scale those efforts in other parts of the state through collaboration with local United Ways
Public Policy Initiatives Membership is an optional subgroup for all ALICE Council of Partners member organizations. As a Public Policy Initiatives member, you will have the opportunity to:
- Shape the ALICE policy agenda led by UWP and member UWs
- Participate in yearly ALICE Public Policy Initiatives webinar
- Subscribe to UWP’s Public Policy Update which includes need-to-know information and calls to action in support of the ALICE Policy agenda
Membership Benefits
- Subscription to the United Way of Pennsylvania Update e-newsletter which includes public policy updates and news about what is happening in the Pennsylvania United Way network
- Subscription to the United Way of Pennsylvania Policy Update which includes need-to-know information and calls to action in support of our ALICE policy agenda
- Inclusion in the Directory of United Way ALICE Partners which is distributed electronically to local United Ways, legislators, and published on the United Way of Pennsylvania website
- Invitations to bi-annual policy update webinars which focus on advocacy initiatives that support the ALICE population
- Increased awareness and exposure of your organization’s role as an ALICE partner
- Monthly feature on a member of the Council which is published on the United Way of Pennsylvania website and highlighted on United Way of Pennsylvania’s social media channels
- Members of the ALICE Council of Partners receive invitations to attend an annual, day-long meeting which focuses on strategies and collaboration to help move ALICE along a path to financial stability. There will be no charge for the first attendee, an all others from a Council Member Organization will receive a discounted member rate
- Opportunity to contribute ideas for United Way’s policy agenda and priorities to support ALICE in advance of each two-year legislative session through United Way of Pennsylvania’s Council of ALICE Partners policy survey
Statewide & Regional Membership
$5,000/year | Statewide or regional for-profit organization membership which includes providing access to the member benefits for all of their local members or chapters. |
State Nonprofit Organization Umbrella Membership
$2,500/year | Statewide or regional nonprofit organization membership which includes providing access to the member benefits for all of their local members or chapters. |
Individual Statewide Nonprofit Organizations
$1,000/year | Statewide or regional nonprofit or for-profit organizations with annual budgets over $300,000. |
$500/year | Statewide or regional nonprofit or for-profit organizations with annual budgets of $300,000 or less. |
Individual Local Nonprofit Membership
$250/year | Local nonprofit organizations and small businesses can join the ALICE Council independently pending the receipt of a positive recommendation from their local United Way, detailed below. |

Criteria for Organizations
- A local organization which partners in improving outcomes related to health, education, and financial stability, and is committed to collaborative efforts with local United Ways and other partners
- A statewide organization which shares common interests in public policy advocacy related to the health, education, or financial stability of Pennsylvanians, and has policy goals which are consistent with United Way of Pennsylvania’s in areas that both organizations advocate
- A local, regional, or statewide business which is committed to advancing the health, education, or financial stability of its employees and the community
Partner with UWP today by joining ALICE Council of Partners
Partner with UWP today by joining the ALICE Council of Partners by clicking the button below.